Dénia Castle stands out from the other architectural monuments in Dénia for being well over 2,000 years old and for bringing together vestiges of different civilisations. Inside is the ‘Torre del Mig’, which has an important architectural quality with double horseshoe arches, and the most important entrance, the ‘Portal de la Vila’. Since then, various remodelling actions have been promoted, such as the planting of trees around the enclosure, the creation of accesses and the replacement of roomssuch as the Torre del Consell or the Portal de la Vila.

In the 1960s and 1970s, with the rise of tourism in the town, a road was built to the summit, demolishing a large part of the walls and destroying archaeological remains of the Vila Vella. The ‘Palau del Governador’ was restored in the early 1980s, when the Galliner Tower and the Red Tower were fitted out. THE CASTLE OF DÉNIA Nowadays, in order to go up to the castle of Dénia, everybody has to go on foot or by a tourist railway, as the entrance of private carriages is forbidden in order to preserve the state of the monument. The residents of Dénia have free admission to the castle where tourists and visitors must pay an entrance fee of 3 euros. THE



Since its renovation in 2011, the maintenance and appearance of this passage under the premises of the castle of Dénia has improved considerably, increasing the cleanliness and stability that was previously lacking. The construction of the Dénia Castle tunnel dates back to the years of the Spanish Civil War.


Every summer, the esplanade of the Dénia Governor’s Castle, in the pre-eminent part of the enclosure, hosts 2 weeks of classical and hit song concerts in the Melodía en el Castillo concert period. Due to these concerts, the esplanade of the governor, besides serving as a spectacular view of the city from the castle, becomes the nerve centre of the nationally known melody.


The Dénia Town Hall has recently arranged several weddings in the Dénia Castle. Couples who wish to do so have the possibility of getting married in the Castle of Denia paying the fee (about 1.000 euros) and being aware that it is not possible to enter the pre-eminent part by carriage and that the banquets can be served in the facilities of the monumental group.

WHEN To go

Dénia Castle opens its doors between November and March from 10 am to 6 pm. In July, August and the first half of September, the castle can be visited from 10:00 to 00:30.