The style of the building is Neoclassical from the 18th century, which can be seen on the façade of the town hall. In 1773, the old town hall, which was then located in Purísima Street, was threatened with ruin, so its offices were moved to the Ducal Palace while the town hall was being built. Now its style could be described as neoclassical, or rather, academicist style, because it is a building that is totally controlled by the academy of fine arts of Sant Carles, with the architect Vicent Gascó. The then president of the then Royal Academy of San Carlos in Valencia drew up the plans and final project for the work.

Some curiosities of Gandía’s town hall

The architect set one condition when constructing the building, and that was that the stones had to come from the quarries of Marxuquera, and the bricks had to come from Villalonga. At the time, the work was valued at 7432 Valencian lliures. On 22 November 1778, the construction of the new town hall was awarded, taking three years to complete, and it was inaugurated in 1781. El ayuntamiento está dispuesto en la plaza más importante de Gandía, en la Plaça Major, , encontrándose cerca del Palacio, donde antiguamente era el antiguo centro de poder. It is a building in the radical neoclassicist style. The four columns that crown the building’s façade are intended to signify prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance, which, according to the architect himself, seem to be characteristic of this building. There are many interesting historical buildings and places in the city. Make your must-see route! At Velló Monfort we have been working in the city of Gandía for decades as architects Gandía.