Nowadays in Gandía you can find active universities, such as the Universitat Politècnica de València, which has one of its campuses in this city. But this was not the first university in the city of Gandía, far from it.

In the historic centre of the city, in the Plaza de las Escuelas Pías, you can find a Renaissance style building, one more of the architectural buildings of Gandía, in fact, one of the most important of its historic centre. This is the Old University of Gandía or the Escuelas Pías. And now you will understand the interesting world of architecture in Gandía and where all our vocation comes from.

When was the old university of Gandía created?

The old university of Gandía was founded by the IV Duke and III General of the Society of Jesus, Francisco de Borja. It was created as a project for the college of San Sebastian, but the Duke of Gandia asked Pope Paul III to convert it into a university (1549). It was founded in 1546, but closed in 1772. The reason for the closure of its doors was that in 1767 the Jesuits were expelled by decree of Charles III.
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Despite this closure, we can say that illustrious figures such as Francisco de Borja and Baltasar Gracián have passed through here. Moreover, this university was the first Jesuit university in the world. For several centuries it was one of the most important centres of Gandía and its surroundings.

What use is the old university of Gandía now being put to?

In 1806 the Gandía Town Council decided to give the building to open a school to the Piarist Fathers, which is still used for the same purpose. It is also the headquarters of the UNED, National University of Distance Education.

The ground floor of the building is used as the Coll Alas Municipal Exhibition Hall. So we can say that this old Renaissance building is full of history and that many important figures in the history of the province have passed through its corridors.

Nowadays, in front of the old University of Gandia, there is a square where you can find 5 bronze statues that were created by Manuel Boix. These represent people of the Borgia family such as the pope Calixo III and the pope Alejandro VI. You can also find their children César and Lucrecia and the IV Duke of Gandía.

It is definitely a place we recommend you to visit.