Gandía Architecture Studio

Velló Monfort Arquitectes is an architectural firm in Gandía located in the centre of the city, in the emblematic “Edificio Banco de Valencia”The architects who have more than 20 years of experience developing new construction and refurbishment projects for various private developers, as well as projects for public buildings. From large-scale and technically complex projects to single-family homes, refurbishments or small building works. The office works closely with technical architects and engineering teams to solve the project in a comprehensive manner.

Each commissioned project is treated in a unique and special way, and all aim to meet the client’s architectural needs in terms of functionality, aesthetics, composition and design, relationship to the environment and solar orientation, budget and budget-consciousness during construction. To this end, the firm has implemented an exhaustive methodological system for project development and site management.

These architects in Gandía have the experience of working as advisors to several town councils in the processing of building permits and town planning files, which guarantees full knowledge of the current regulations, as well as management with the administration.

The professional trajectory of the team from the beginning endorses its experience, with the result of having carried out projects that include the construction of more than 1,500 homes (between new construction and renovation of homes), and more than 150 projects for public use. In numerous cases, they have assisted the investor developer by carrying out a Real Estate Feasibility Study to determine the profitability of a real estate development on a given site.

Of the projects carried out, the following stand out large residential buildings (including a 216-apartment complex, a 91-apartment complex, an 84-apartment complex, an 82-apartment complex, a 77-apartment complex, a 61-apartment complex with commercial premises, and a 48-apartment complex), two nursing homes of more than 8,000 m2 of built-up area, and the CRA Mondúver-Safor school,the project was obtained through a public tender tendered by the Consellería de Educación de la Generalitat Valenciana (Valencian Regional Government’s Department of Education).

Projects of high technical complexity include four 10-storey residential blocks, buildings with two basements constructed with diaphragm walls, and buildings with special foundations using pile driving.

If you are looking for a professional and close architecture studio in Gandía, do not hesitate to contact Velló Monfort Arquitectos.

Our architects in Gandía:

Architect since 1999 by the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Since then, he has worked intensively in design, drafting and construction management of residential and public buildings.

He has worked as a municipal architect in the Town Council of Palmera (2010 – present) and in the Town Council of Bellreguard (2008 – present).

It is in continuous training due to the evolution of technical regulations, especially those related to the energy efficiency of buildings and new construction systems.

He is an architect specialising in structural calculations and virtual reality.

In 1998 she graduated as an architect from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia and founded the architecture office Velló Monfort Arquitectes, developing numerous projects for single-family homes, residential buildings, public buildings, refurbishments, renovations, urbanisation projects, reparcelling, planning and reports. Among the works he has carried out, the Geriatric Centre in Favara stands out, which won the FEVEC-AVEA 2005 award in the Building, Promotion and Urban Development category.

She has worked as a municipal architect in the town councils of Jalance (2001-2003), Alqueria de la Comtessa (2004-2012), Xeraco (2005-2006) and Miramar (2008-present).

It is in continuous training, adapting to the changes in technical and urban planning regulations, highlighting courses on energy efficiency, accessibility, activity projects, rehabilitation and urban planning legislation.

He has participated as a member of juries for architectural competitions

Architects Gandía Velló Monfort


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Contact us

600 39 70 39

Carrer Vallier, 2 4ºB 46702 Gandía – Valencia