If you have not yet visited the Castle of Cullera we recommend you to do so, and despite working as architects in Gandia we have also worked and work with many clients from Cullera, so we have a special affection for this Valencian city.

Today we want to talk to you about Cullera Castle, located at the top of the mountain of ‘Les Raboses’. This castle was built during the 9th century, during the rule of the Cordovan state. Its location, like many castles in the area, was a strategic location for the control of natural resources, borders and communication routes.

Its origin is Muslim and from here you can see and ‘control’ the whole bay and the mouth of the River Júcar. Today it has been declared an Asset of Cultural Interest.

The construction of Cullera Castle

Throughout history, when one society invaded and conquered another, they tended to build on top of what had been built by the previous ‘owners’, and in this case it was no different. This castle was built on the remains of another Ibero-Roman building.

When Jaume I reconquered the kingdom, he decided to reform the castle and extend its fortress. The complex consists of five towers, the fortress and two fortified enclosures. There is also a fort, the Alt del Fort, which was built in the 19th century during the Carlist War.

The shrine of the Virgin Mary

In the same century that the Alt del Fort was built, the Santuario de la Virgen del Castillo (Sanctuary of the Virgin of the Castle) was also built next to the castle, a neo-Romanesque construction.

Visiting Cullera Castle is something we always recommend to our friends, as walking within its walls and within its walls is like travelling back in time.

Nowadays, in addition to being able to access all its nooks and crannies, the castle also hosts many leisure activities during the summer months. It hosts evening theatre performances, classical music concerts, magic shows, exhibitions, music concerts with traditional dances and even escape rooms.

And although many believe that Cullera is only leisure and beach, you can also enjoy architecture, monuments and history that give great value to the city. That is why many of our clients who come to us requesting architectural services, is to carry out a project in the town of Cullera, and it is no wonder.