Before we start to know when the energy performance certificate is necessary, we want to clarify what the energy performance certificate is in order to better understand when the certificate is needed. The energy performance certificate is the document that declares the energy efficiency of a property or building. This certificate is issued by a specialist in the field, a technician, engineer or architect, and it is here that the energy label will be displayed. The energy label shows the emission and consumption ratings of the property on a colour scale from the most efficient level (letter A) to the least efficient (letter G).

But when is an energy performance certificate required?

All buildings in Spain should nowadays have an energy certificate, especially when they are intended to be rented or sold. The same applies to flats in the same building, which must also have their energy performance certificate. The responsibility for having such a certificate always lies with the owner of the property.

When is an energy performance certificate not mandatory?

We must emphasise that there are situations in which the certificate is not compulsory for selling or renting the property and these are:

  • Where the property has a usable area of less than 50 metres
  • In the case of an industrial building used as a workshop or for a particular activity
  • When the building is to be purchased for major refurbishment or demolition
  • Where the property is rented for a maximum of 4 months per year

What happens if I don’t have the energy efficiency certificate?

The certificate, as we have said before, is compulsory to rent and to sell any property but if you want to do such operation without having this certificate the reality is that you are committing an infraction. According to Royal Decree 7/2015 of 30 October, there are minor penalties for not having the certificate, and these range from 300 to 600 euros. There are also serious penalties from 601 to 1,000 euros and finally very serious penalties ranging from 1,001 to 6,000 euros.

Where can I get the energy performance certificate?

As we have seen above, all certifications must be issued by competent technicians with the appropriate academic qualifications. These professionals must also have the power of attorney for the drafting of architectural projects and the execution and management of works. In our architects office in Gandía you can find us for the issuance of the energy efficiency certificate. And of course, you can contact us via email, form or by calling directly to the studio.